by Holly

New Guy Just Dropped

So, there’s been news. We’ve got a guy.

I don’t have much more to say that that. We’ve got a guy. No name or anything, yet. He showed up last night, hung out for a while, and dipped. I don’t know how to bring them out, and I don’t even really get the impression that he wants to front very much.

Not sure what else to write, but it seems important to record that it happens! I think he’s at least feeling okay. I’ve tried to let them know that if they need anything, they can shout for me. I’m right here. No word yet but I haven’t got any impressions that anything’s wrong.

Yeah, a lot of things on this site say “Holly and Amy”, which I suppose is out of date now. We’ve been trying to figure out a system name anyway, and unless our new friend comes up with a name it’s going to be pretty hard to include her in the same way. We’ll figure it out along with everything else, I think.